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Central Missouri Therapy SPOT was started by two women therapists in the pursuit of helping families and their children with disabilities. Sherri and Christina, co-owners, were providing one-on-one therapy in the home for children and saw a great need as there was not a place for these children to interact with similar aged peers to address their communication delays, social delays, and emotional needs. Although many of these children were attending daycare or other programs, they were not equipped or taught by a practiced therapist on how to interact with peers, problem-solve, effectively communicate with peers, and to gauge emotions.

In 2014, Christina and Sherri started with a group of 4 children with various needs. They worked in partnership with the parents to meet the needs of these children. The program was written to incorporate therapy in a group setting by two licensed therapists. The program incorporated circle time, music, therapeutic play, and more. Not only did the children make huge progress in their goals, but they also made friends. They enjoyed coming to the program and the parents got to see their children engage with others, follow simple directions, and begin to feel confident in their abilities. After the first trial group, Christina and Sherri continued to receive referrals. It was at that time, they quit their full-time jobs to pursue this business.

Since then, the program has continued to grow. Central Missouri Therapy SPOT now provides Occupational Therapy, Social Skills Group, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy, and Physical Therapy. The program’s success is attributed to the individualized program, small group atmosphere, knowledgeable and therapeutic staff, and the relationships built between family and staff. 

Central Missouri Therapy SPOT was formed and created for the families and kiddos with disabilities. For the families that felt like they don’t belong because their child thinks a little differently. For the parents that can’t leave their home for an outing because their kiddo has extreme anxiety in sensory overloaded environments. For the family that feels like no one quite understands. For the parents that have been stared at due to the way their child is behaving. For the family that hasn’t gone to church because it is just too hard. For the parents that have cried endlessly, who have fought tirelessly, who have dreams and hopes for their kiddo that no one quite understands.

Central Missouri Therapy SPOT was created to be an advocate, a friend, a partner, a therapist and a teacher. That is who we were in 2014, who we are now, and who we plan to be in the years to come. 

Services We Provide: 

  • Speech Therapy
  • Physical Therapy 
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Music Therapy 
  • Dyslexia Services/Reading Intervention
  • Social Skills Groups
  • Feeding Therapy
  • Behavioral Support 

"We love the Central Missouri Therapy Center. Our daughter is communicating more and very happy when we drop her off and pick her up. The teachers care a lot and do engaging lessons and activities with the kids each week."

David Nykodym 

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